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Greek Aerospace Medical Association and Space Research (GASMA-SR)



The Greek Aerospace Medical Association (G.A.S.M.A.), scientific, non profit, was established in Thessaloniki the 24/12/1996 (publication of a statute in the book of Associations of the City Court of Thessaloniki, with consecutive number 4349/24-12-1996).

The goals of the Association are the following:

· Raising the level of awareness and understanding of the people all over the world of the importance of aerospace education. 

· Providing international forum for the exchange of information and ideas for organizations, firms and individuals interested in aerospace education. 

· Improvement of scientific methods and techniques during Aerospace Medical training, and establishing international patterns.

  • ·Establishing of cooperation between Medicine and other Sciences that show interest in Aeronautic and Astronautic development and progress.

  • Cooperation with International Education centers in relation to Aerospace Medicine and granting of scholarships to young researchers aiming to the dissemination of knowledge of Aerospace Medicine.

  •  Organization of seminaries, conferences and post-graduate programs, related to the development and the interests in Aerospace Medicine and similar Sciences.

  • Publication of newsletter reports and prints with the activities of the Association and the progress of other foreign countries’ research programs in Aerospace Medicine Branch.

  • Offering services to the Public or Private domain; in matters relevant to Aerospace Medicine. 

The realization of the objectives mentioned above is pursued by:

  1. Organizing scientific meetings at least once a year.

  2. Cooperation of the Association (G.A.S.M.A.) with other Medical Associations (Universities, public or private Clinics) and other Scientific Organizations..

  3. Cooperation with International Scientific Organizations.

Activites of our association during the year 1997

  • 1. Publications of Informing leaflets with information relevant to aerospace and Hyberbaric Medicine.

  • 2. Printing of a Medical Guide for all Medical Specialists, regarding indications and counter-indications during air-transportation (travelling) of their patients, as well as preventive measures and drugs required for their air-travelling.

  • 3. Research programs concerning Aerospace Medicine with participation of medical students from all over Greece.

  • 4. First Meeting of Aerospace Medicine, 10-12 October 1997 with the participation of Astronauts and a Cosmonaut. .

  • 5. Improvement of relations with other states, aiming to common Aerospace Medicine Research programs.

  • 6. Seminars for the safety of pilots during the flight and seminars for air-rescue and air-transportation of patients.

  • 7. Publication of informing leaflets (in Greek and English language) for the most dangerous situations during flights, such as hypoxia, use of alcohol, taking drugs etc ; publications of leaflets with criteria fir air travel and preventive measures.

  • 8. Seminars for the application of Hyperbaric Medicine in the facing of many diseases.

  • 9. Representation of Greece in the annual meeting the Aerospace Medical Association in Chicago USA in May 1997, with our own work and proposals.

  • 10. Establishing of an Aerospace Physiology course in the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

  • 11. Creation of a web-page in the Internet in Greek and English in the following address :

  • 12. Constant communication through Internet with other states, getting information for the most recent matters and achievements.

  • 13. Educative Seminars for medical doctors and medical examiners of Pilots.

  • 14.  Research of atmospheric pollens in various altitudes for asthmatic patients travelling by airplane in cooperation with the Department of Allergiology of the General District Hospital of Thessaloniki “George Papanikolaou”.

  • 15. Creation of Aerospace Medicine Law Section and of Greek Policy in matters of space.

  • 16. Efforts for the recognition in our country of the Aerospace Medical Specialty.   

  • 17. In recognition of the constant efforts of our association the Council of International Academy of Aerospace Medicine has approved the application of G.A.S.M.A. for affiliation. ******************

  • 18. There have been performed Hypoxia Altitude Simulation tests for studying the effects of hi altitude on physical and mental condition of individuals and for testing the performance of pilots under the influence of certain drugs.

  • 19. Since January of 1998, contacts have been carried out with Minister of Defense aiming to the establishment of G-LOC countermeasure training in Greek pilots.

  • 20. Special scientists have been gathered in Santorini in order to make the final choice of the variety of a certain bacteria that exists only on that island, and its gene analysis so that it can be used in the program for Terraforming Mars.

  • 21. Cooperation of G.A.S.M.A. with Greek Geriatric Association aiming to promote studies on subjects such as the adaptation of human in space environment and the understanding of the mechanisms of aging.

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