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Space Olympics

ATHENS PREPARES FOR THE '' Space Olympics '' COSPAR in 2022
Athens, March 15, 2019
The Council of space research Committee-Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), chose Athens as the host city of the 44th World Scientific Space COSPAR Conference. The Conference will be held from 16 to 24 July 2022 (https://cosparhq.cnes.fr ).
The Greek candidacy, prevailed among folders Warsaw's assertion of Lausanne and Prague, in a high-level competition. Even the choice of Athens became the first vote during the 42nd Congress of COSPAR in Pasadena of California of the UNITED STATES, where more than 3,300 space scientists from around the world.
The first participation of the local organizing Committee, Athens – 2022 COSPAR in Council of COSPAR, as organizing now, will take place from 18 – 21 March 2019, COSPAR's headquarters in Paris. There will be presented in detail all the necessary preparations to host the Athens the COSPAR 2022 and event promotion plan and dynamic presence of the 43 the Scientific Conference of COSPAR in Sydney, Australia in August of the 2020.
The Local Organizing Committee of COSPAR 2022 is pleased to publish the video became the "spearhead" of successful Greek form and accompanied the detailed dossier prepared by the Local Organizing Committee, in cooperation with the company AFEA Travel and Congress Services. The video production company WHITE ROOM in collaboration with ERT and Eugenides Planetarium, is available in high definition on both versions (full and short) on the links below:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BBC4CK-Nxg&feature=youtu.be (full version)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBhB0ALUIpE&feature=youtu.b e (short "teaser" version)
The International Congress of COSPAR has been described informally as "space Olympics" and is organized in a different continent every two years. At the Congress of Athens are expected to join 3,000-4,000 acclaimed space scientists from universities and research Centre around the world and representatives of major international space agencies. Dynamic present will give larger companies products space technology with their exhibit booths.
Our country's candidacy for the 2022 was prepared by the space research and Technology Office of the Academy of Athens and actively supported by many public and private entities, the municipality of Athens, Ministries, almost all Universities and research institutes of the country, while the support of Greek scientists, with participation of several in Local Organizing Committee, was equally enthusiastic and emotive. The withdrawal of the 2022 is a national COSPAR success, as this is a multi-layered challenge for the country and a great opportunity to demonstrate internationally that Greece has the infrastructure and the human scientists in order to star in space Research and Technology.
The International Committee on space research (COSPAR) was founded in 1958, shortly after the start of the space age. The objectives are to promote international space research and technology and peaceful exploration of space. Is a forum for dialogue and cooperation in the world away from political aspirations, working closely with the United Nations and other global organizations. The Greece is member of COSPAR almost from its inception, through the National Commission for space research of the Academy of Athens.
The Local Organizing Committee warmly thanks all stakeholders who supported the candidacy of Athens and in particular composer Ms.. Evanthia Reboutsika for the courtesy of the music video's candidacy, as well as the Ms. Adriana Paraskevopoulou, journalist of ERT, for the decisive contribution to the implementation of.
Local Organizing Committee members:
Chairman Stamatios Krimizis, Member of the Academy of Athens
Vice-chairman Christos Zerefos, a member of the Athens Academy
Executive Director Manolis Georgoulis, KEAEM of the Academy of Athens,
Vassilis Angelopoulos, University California/Los Angeles
Loukas Vlachos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Angelos Vourlidas, applied physics laboratory, Johns Hopkins University
John Danglis, University of Athens,
Manos Kitsonas, New digital Planetarium of the Eugenides The Foundation
Harris Kontoes, National Observatory Of Athens
George Kontopoulos, A Member Of The Academy Of Athens
Chryssa Koybeliotou, George Washington University ...
Chrysoula Kourtidou – Papadeli, Aero-Medical Center of Thessaloniki
Athina Kousteni, French Research Institute (CNES)
Nikos Kylafis, University of Crete
Paul Michelis, Institute of Engineering Materials and Gewdomwn
Alcestis Mponanou, National Observatory Athens
Manolis Pleionis, National Observatory of Athens and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Emmanuel Sarris, Democritus University of Thrace,
Nikos Sergis, space research and Technology Office of the Academy of Athens
Dionisis Simopoulos, New Digital Planetarium of the Eugenides Foundation
Kanaris Tsigkanos, University of Athens,
Greek ATHENS Candidacy Supporters COSPAR 2022:
Aegean Airlines, AFEA Travel Services Congress &, Airbus, si-Cluster, Athens Academy,
Athens, National Observatory of Athens, National Centre for scientific research "Demokritos",
Hellenic Aerospace industry, Hellenic Radio Television, Greek Foundation for Research and Innovation,
Eugenides Foundation, Athens University, University of the Aegean, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Democritus University of Thrace, University of Ioannina, University of Crete, University of Peloponnese,
Ministry of culture, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Digital policy, Information and telecommunications
For more information: Office Space Research Technology & Academy of Athens, Tel. 210 6597667, e-mail: nsergis@phys.uoa.gr